The Polish Association of Kirkcaldy was founded in 2019 and it responds to the natural need to strengthen the union of the new generation of Polonia. The Polish Association of Kirkcaldy is a socio-cultural association.
The aim of the operation is to promote Polish culture and the Polish language, and to endorse Polish traditions and historical events. The organization is intentionally designed to bring together not only Poles and Polish-Scots but also Scots of Polish descent and Scots interested in the Polish community and the Association's activities. The Polish Association Kirkcaldy is also open to collaborating with other Polish organizations based in Kirkcaldy, the county of Fife, and throughout Scotland.
One of the first projects successfully accomplished was organising the dancing events in the Polish club. This was made possible by the formation of the musical band "UNITED" in 2019, which was created by the Polish musicians. And it is one of the few bands in Scotland presenting, among other things, Polish dance music and more. In the near future, the association also plans to organise occasional events related to Polish cultural tradition and history. One of the first projects successfully accomplished was organising the dancing events in the Polish club. This was made possible by the formation of the musical band "UNITED" in 2019, which was created by the Polish musicians. And it is one of the few bands in Scotland presenting, among other things, Polish dance music and more. In the near future, the association also plans to organise occasional events related to Polish cultural tradition and history. w Polskim Klubie. Było to możliwe dzięki powstaniu zespołu muzycznego „UNITED” , który tworzą polscy muzycy. I jest to jeden z nielicznych w Szkocji zespołów prezentujących między innymi polską muzykę taneczną i nie tylko. Nasze imprezy cieszą się ogromnym zainteresowaniem w całej Szkocji. Kolejnymi naszymi projektami były organizacje spotkań z kombatantem wojennym Panem Ludwikiem Jaszczurem. Wszystkie nasze kolejne wydarzenia cieszą się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem wśród Polaków mieszkających w Szkocji.
If you are a person open to new challenges, and if you want to create a cultural life of Polonia, while getting to know new people, you are very welcome to join into our ranks.